Violet Bank Trail
The Violet Bank Trail project encompasses 0.67 miles of Violet Bank Drive right-of-way, starting with a sidewalk extension at Kittery Drive and continuing with a shared-use path all the way to Selwood Drive.
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The Violet Bank Trail project encompasses 0.67 miles of Violet Bank Drive right-of-way, starting with a sidewalk extension at Kittery Drive and continuing with a shared-use path all the way to Selwood Drive.
VDOT Transportation Alternative Program grant awarded $318,848 in late 2018 with authorization to proceed granted in 2019.
In the spring of 2022, the City of Virginia Beach held its first public open house virtually. Comprehensive details regarding the project are available including environmental documents and drainage reports located under the "Related Documents" section.
In March 2024, the City of Virginia Beach held a second public open house in person and virtually. The virtual meeting room website includes a digital brochure, exhibits, typical sections, a questionnaire form, and interactive maps.
The project is currently under design.
The start of construction is anticipated for 2025.
Completion of construction is anticipated for 2027.
Spring 2010 - A request by citizens from Bellamy Woods Civic League to City Council Member Harry Diezel to include the Violet Bank Trail as part of the DRAFT 2011 Bikeways & Trails Plan to provide a safe paved path for residents and children.
Fall 2010 - Violet Bank Trail was explicitly listed as a project in DRAFT 2011 Bikeways & Trails Plan.
April 26, 2011 - City Council adopted the 2011 Bikeways & Trails Plan including the Violet Bank Trail.
2015/2016 - Public meeting held for Violet Bank Trail TAP Grant as part of TAP Grant candidate project process.
Oct. 18, 2016 - City Council approved a public hearing for City to apply for the 2016 TAP Grant for Violet Bank Trail. (Was not funded in the 2016 grant cycle)
Oct. 17, 2017 - City Council approved a public hearing for City to apply for the 2017 TAP Grant for Violet Bank Trail.
Summer 2018 - VDOT awards City of Virginia Beach TAP grant for Violet Bank Trail.