Construction Notice

Windsor Woods is currently undergoing construction due to a stormwater engineering project. This will result in the permanent closure of the parking lot on South Blvd.

In the late 60's early 70s, the city converted a 640,000-ton pile of garbage into the nation's first landfill park. An environmental wonder, Mount Trashmore Park also features many other eco-friendly amenities.

The main mountain, ​Mount Trashmore, now 60 feet in height and 800 feet long, was created by compacting layers of solid waste and clean soil. Recognized for its environmental feat, this former landfill features a water-wise garden that boasts xeriscaping which requires minimal water.

The park also features a smaller mountain, Encore Hill, and two lakes. Lake Windsor (located along South Blvd.) is brackish water fed by Thalia Creek. Lake Trashmore (located along Edwin Drive) is freshwater and hosts various species of fish.

Fishing is permitted from land only and requires a Virginia freshwater fishing​ license. Anglers must adhere to all State regulations regarding creel and size limits. No boats, swimming, or wading is allowed in the lakes. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kayaks are permitted at Lake Windsor.​

Kids Cove Playground

The Kids Cove Playground at Mount Trashmore Park opened in December 2010. At nearly 26,000 square feet, the playground is comprised of three distinct play areas built on a rubber surface: a giant play structure that includes a multitude of slides, elevated walkways, climbers and more; an area that has swings for all ages and a one-of-a-kind wheelchair swing; and an area comprised of a variety of climbing structures.

Kids Cove Playground

For your safety and the safety of others

  • Sledding is not permitted on Mount Trashmore during snow events.

Visit City Parks Rules & Regulations page for additional park use guidelines.